Absolutely, abortion was a major factor in Evangelicals' support for Trump. I probably should have added that to the list, but I had written several articles already about it and didn't want to "go there" again.
I am fiercely pro-life. But I'm pro-life across the board--meaning to me, pro-life includes caring about the mother and women in general. It also includes how we treat people and help them on the other side of the womb, which a lot of pro-lifers don't seem to care about in the voting booth.
Like with other Trump-related issues, having a thoughtful, truth-and-fact-based discussion about abortion is just about futile. But the facts are :
1) The abortion rate has steadily fallen over the past several decades, regardless of who's in office (and actually there have been steeper declines under Democrat presidents.)
2)Overturning Roe v. Wade would not make abortion illegal — it just would hand over that power totally to the states, creating a single-issue voting platform for like, ever....
3) Yes, there are some ultra-left people who want abortion to be "on-demand and without apology" (I saw that on a button once...) but MOST people don't think abortion is a great thing. If we really want to reduce abortions (or eliminate them, which I don't think is possible) WE MUST DEAL WITH THE FACTORS THAT LEAD WOMEN TO CHOOSE IT. That's neither simple or easy, but guess what? The big, important, valuable stuff in life usually comes with a price and is worth fighting for.